Praying when you don't mean it

Nurses Spirituality


Do you think it's wrong or offensive to pray with a patient if you don't believe in that religion (or any religion)?

For example, I am an atheist but I was raised a Catholic, and went to Catholic school. I know all the prayers, and how to pray, what verses would be appropriate, etc. I have no problem with reading the Bible, reciting Hail Marys or Our Fathers, or "asking God" for peace or other favors. If a patient asks me to pray with him, would it be wrong of me to do so? Of course I would never come across as ingenuine or tell him that I didn't follow his religion.

Specializes in hospice.

I'm not Catholic but I always thought that it was considered a sin to take communion if you haven't also confessed and done the other, necessary sacraments.

I was raised Catholic and got my first holy communion as a child....

No offense, but obviously if I'm not religious, I don't believe my actions were "sinful"...maybe diehard Catholics may, but I do not. And how could other people get offended if I am doing this with my patient and not sharing it with the world? Yes, I'm talking about it on allnurses but I do not go around telling everybody everytime I pray or do the like with my patients. This was a quick little communion at the hospital at my patient's bedside, where I don't believe he confessed any "sins" either. I did not go to a church.

If a pt requires more than a respectful silence, I offer to either call their spiritual leader or the on call chaplain for them. I have read to pts, at their request, from the Bible and the Qur'an.

That's about as far as I am comfortable going, before I feel like I'm being disrespectful by faking something I don't believe.

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