Has anyone been in this boat before?? *legal*

Nurses Recovery


I have been an LPN for 22 years with an absolute unblemished disciplinary record, something I am very proud of. For the first time in about 15-16 years I smoked pot on 2 seperate occasions. Lucky me, 4 days after, I was called for a drug test by my employer to clear up a deviation on a narcotics count sheet. I was honest with my Supervisor and told her exactly why I was refusing and resigned from the company I was with for 15 years. I did not want a positive THC result on my record. I was reported to the State board, who after an investigation, came to the conclusion that I would have my license on Probation, enroll in a drug screening program and involve my primary care Dr. and Pharmacy to have any controlled substance prescriptions I might obtain monitored by the Board for a year. I didn't accept the agreement and chose to have a formal hearing instead. I wanted a chance to stand up for myself because the Board concluded that I was "unfit, or incompetent by reason of negligence habit" and "guilty of unprofessional conduct". I am currently waiting on a hearing date. I didn't think I would be this nervous, but I'm making myself sick over it.

Perhaps someone out there has been in this boat, or similar boat, before.

Thank you.

This experience has really opened my eyes to the fact that my heart is just not in nursing anymore. I will not accept their stipulations, probation and constant monitoring. If my heart was in it, this fight would be worth it. But it's not. I'm looking forward to working outside of nursing in the Special Ed dept of a school. I've always loved Pediatrics and this allows me to continue working with the kiddies I love so much.

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