Recent CA BON discussion with regards to the Phillipines

World Registration


As you know, someone here going by the moniker, Santo Nino, mentioned of the latest possible licensing issues with those coming in from the Phillipines. However, no one is yet sure of Santo Nino's sources.

Anyways, my roommate's friend who has been trying to get this ATT since last year is totally disgusted by the actions of these fellow applicants going thru such drastic actions to get their CA licensure by presenting falsified documents. Because of these individuals, it has now dampen his fighting spirits that they would snoop so low and cause such an uproar with the CA BON to the point of lying and cheating their way in. These individuals were buying their way in with money and deceit versus studying so hard like many of you having to go thru the years of difficulties and sacrifices.

He was doing some other research on this subject and I actually posted one of his findings in an earlier thread here under the International section, so give him the credit. But he passed on a few more for those following what's been happening.

CA BON is just starting their investigations.

see pg. 262-263 below:

see pg. 208-209 below:

What is really upsetting is the government of the Philippines has yet to take action or making this an important deal. For heaven sakes the nursing reputation of the Philippines here is on the line

Sad to say that most often times people who cheats are the ones that gets good job and etc...anyways, may God bless who works hard,honest and true!!!

hi guys im also a nursing graduate 2011..i was wondering if u guys had any info regarding filipino graduates applying for LVN in cali that got accepted to take exam?since i cant take the NCLEX with all the requirements and so fort..i would like to go on LVN for nw then save up to go to school for the further requirements needed for me to take the NCLex for cali..

hope u guys can help

hi guys im also a nursing graduate 2011..i was wondering if u guys had any info regarding filipino graduates applying for LVN in cali that got accepted to take exam?since i cant take the NCLEX with all the requirements and so fort..i would like to go on LVN for nw then save up to go to school for the further requirements needed for me to take the NCLex for cali..

hope u guys can help

Go to bvnpt website all the infos are there.

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