osce ( observational structured clinical examination)

World Registration



I am internationally trained nurse from India. I applied for registration as RN in college of nurses of Ontario Oct 2011. They took over a year and finally determined that my education/ experience is not equivalent to those of current graduates of Canadian nursing program. They have asked me to write Observational Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) and pass in order to show equivalency. My question is that have anybody else been asked to take OSCE exam and what to expect? Also what does the college consider while evaluating education as other nurses from my college have been given eligibility without fulfilling any other criteria or exam!!

hy kababayans..maybe we can study,review and practice together...we are the first batch to have this kind of assessment...let's all volt in guys...

Hi, I guess we're all in the same boat. Just this Tuesday, I received a note from CNO advising me to take the OSCE exam. It has been a year since the last time I worked in a hospital. Since I came here in Canada (I'm from Philippines, by the way), of course, I never had any nursing experience. Now, I'm a little bit anxious on what to expect. Although I know I have the nursing skills and knowledge but I do think that at least I need a refresher. I am looking for resources (textbooks, cds, websites, etc) that can help me prepare for the exam but I couldn't find anything. I wonder if you could help me.

Also, honestly, I am considering the 2nd option..to file for review of consideration. I hope that would help.

Hi Kababayan,

So, have you decided which option to take? I have the same letter as you.

i decided to take the osce.if you have your papers reviewed again, it might take forver again before they will release the status, worst thing if your safety practice has expired already. let's just refresh our minds and most of all pray..

group study and practice

Hi Rianne, I just received the same letter yesterday and I am interested in what you are suggesting. I find it unfair that all IEN received the same letter showing it is a generic letter since I applied last August 2011 and others applied only recently. I have a friend who is in philippines and received letter 3 weeks ago when she applied in 2012! we can help each other. Message from others were truly helpful esp about CEHPEA.

replied to you below

Hi guys

I received an email yesterday from CEHPEA directing me to register for the March OSCE exam ASAP because there is limited spaces as available, quate "We encourage you to complete the online application as soon as possible as seats are limited for the March 27, 2013 assessment" . I was still debating whether to take the exam or go for the sec option. I was so confused and I thought of calling the Cehpea office to find out if there were anther dates in the comming month because I dont feel ready at all for the exam. I spoke to a lady and she told me that, if i dont register for the March OSCE, then she has NO adea when the next exam will take place, maybe in months or so. OMG!!!!! have anyone been in a dilema like me. After deliberating i decided to register and paid for the exam anyway. I will be taking the exam with no clue of what to expect.. May God Guide me as I revise of the EXAM with said earlie said Materials. AMEN.

Hi Malaika

I have sent a form to cno about CEHPEA test , but I didn't get any response from CEHPEA for registration. How come you guys got registration letter, would you please help me.

Hi all,

I am an Indian educated nurse in the same situation.In cno website ,it tells to read Med surg text,so what about other disciplines?

Do anyone know about any course ,to get familiar with canadian hospital setting,especially the equipments?.

Is OSCE equivalent to SEC (Substantially Equivalent Competency assessment) in Alberta?

That is a issue , there is no sample question of OSCE for nurses. recently they have started it and I think we are in 1st group. Cehpea have not prepared any sample of the test for IENs.

Atleast they should give some information about the questions style , sothat we will be prepared confidently.

It is a big challange to IENs. Good Luck Guys and be confident and think "WE ARE THE BEST".

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