question for EXPERIENCED NPs, please!

Specialties NP


I have been wading though the long PA vs NP thread, trying to extract usefull information. One issues raised is that NPs get fewer clinical hours of training than do PA.

Do those of you who are practicing NPs feel that you received sufficient clinical training?

I have been a Nurse Practitioner for 18 years. Prior to training for an NP I worked as an RN. I had over 20 years of experience in med-surg, oncology and critical care.

Most RNs have several years experience before training as an NP.

PAs don't have this background so, they probably do need more clinical training. I feel my clinical training was adaquate.


Good to hear. I have been an RN in acute care settings for 20+ years and am in a FNP program and should finish in 2008. What type of setting are you working in now?

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