Spring 2012 MSON Charlotte

U.S.A. North Carolina


Anyone out there apply?

Queens isn't in dangerous of losing it's accreditation. Most of that is rumor. They were warned because of a low first time pass rate. This year the first time pass rate was in the high 90s. Mercy is a diploma program so keep that in mind. I have heard from people who went there that they had to retake some nursing courses when going to get there bachelors since they didn't receive a degree with the program. But I dunno! I'll take whatever program I can get into! Originally we were supposed to find out about Queens 6 weeks after the deadline. Then I got the email saying we will hear something by September 15th. I guess they had more applicants then normal.

Danger* not dangerous lol

yes Mercy has a diploma program, but , I was told that it is equivalent to an asn. Any ways you're right .we should take whatever program we can get into lol .

I wonder why i didn't get this email ???

Keep me posted will you EMME and I will do the same !!!

Good luck !!!!!

I'm sure your right I'm just going off of what I heard. Who knows! Everyone says something different.Good luck to you as well! I'm sure you have nothing worry about! (:

I'm a little late adding on to this thread but I wanted to pop in and say that I just got my acceptance letter from MSON on Wednesday. Woohoo! I applied for spring 2012. I didn't have the greatest GPA from the University of Toledo (3.1) so I think what got me in was my TEAS score (93) and I've gotten A's on my prereques.

woooooooooooooow !!!!! Congrats sheri !!!!!! So happy for you !!!!:yeah: now starts the hard work !!!!!!

Jmlucie did you get accepted? Sadly, I did not :( Even with 3.9 gpa I didn't even get wait listed! I'm guessing it is bc I haven't finished ap2 and micro.(I'm taking them now!) Queens is still my #1 choice so hopefully that will work out! Congrats to everyone who was accepted!!!!

Got my letter . I did not make it in either:(:(:(:(:( . I called her and she told me that it was extremely competitive this time around and although i had very good grades, my teas were too low . Oh well . I'm waiting on Queens now .

Hi Sheri - I just read your post about getting accepted into MSON - congratulations!! I am a hopeful for Fall 2012 and just sent in my applications. I read that you completed both AP I and II before applying. I've only completed AP I, Micro and Nutrition thus far and am taking AP II and Dev Psych next semester. Do you know if its required to have AP II completed before application or did it give you a leg up in your case?

You do not have to have your prereques completed prior to applying. As soon as you do complete a course, submit that transcript! When I applied, I had only completed A&P I. I was in the process of taking A&P II (I submitted my grade at the time) and I let them know I was registered for microbiology in the fall. This way, they knew I was on track to start in the spring of 2012. As soon as I completed the required prereques, I sent in the official transcript. The decision making process at Mercy is over a long period of time after all the applications are gathered, so as long as you can submit transcripts in that period of time, you are good. The more A's you can throw at them, the better! Hope this helps!

I just read all of the posts under this thread, and I am surprised that those of you with such high GPA's didn't get in or waitlisted! That confirms to me the importance of your TEAS score. I do remember at the informational meeting at Mercy for all hopefuls, they did stress the fact that your TEAS score weighes heavily in the overall scoring process. You all will get in to the school that you are meant to be at so just keep plugging away and everything will work out as it should!

THanks for the quick reply Sheri. Thats great info, I will certainly continue to send in my grades, I wasn't planning to before. So from your analysis, it seems like your TEAS score really set you apart. Do they require all parts of the TEAS, like reading, math, language, science? Do you have any recommendations on how to effectively study for the TEAS? I haven't had the time to even look at a study aid yet.

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