Burlington County College?

U.S.A. New Jersey


I applied to BCC for the Spring 2007 semester. I'm worried because someone in my classes said they applied for 3 times and didn't get in. Someone else said they had a two -three year waiting list, but when I spoke to the nursing department they told me there is no waiting list, it expires when the semester starts. If anyone has any info about this good or bad please let me know, I really don't want to wait another year.

Specializes in Infectious Disease.

I will be graduating from BCC in May. There is no waiting list to get into BCC. You have to keep reapplying until you get in. I was accepted into the nursing program on my second try. Generally speaking, if your pre-reqs are complete, you've taken the NET exam, and you meet the eligible GPA requirements, you have a good chance of getting accepted. It seems to me that it's easier getting into the Fall/day program than the Spring/night. I knew plenty of people that couldn't take day courses and clinicals because of family obligations. They only applied for the night classes and had to wait quite a while before being accepted. I applied for day or night. I didn't get the nights but was accepted into the day classes.


I am applying to BCC for Nursing Program........English is my third language......How are the instructors? Issues about international students? Discriminations? Let me know please before get in. Thank you

Specializes in Orthopedics/Med-Surg, LDRP.

Every school's nursing program is competative now. I went to Mercer and 120 people applied for only 60 seats, so of the 120, half didn't make it in and those that don't make it in or fail out or drop out have to reapply with all those other applicants. Our class graduated with about 35 because the rest failed or just couldn't take it or realized nursing wasn't for them. Having great grades, especially in the sciences, helps.

Many of my classes were filled with students of many different ages and nationalities. I did not notice any discriminations and have not heard of any. In my classes I think everyone just wanted to succeed so if they needed help or someone else asked for help it didn't really matter what nationality it came from. And for the professors as well. I did not see any preference being given to American over others. Good Luck!!

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