You know you're a male RN when......

Nurses Men


Specializes in Neonatal ICU (Cardiothoracic).

It's about time for a new thread to breathe life into this tired forum.....

Here we go!

You know you're a male RN when:

- You constantly complain to coworkers that your scrubs are too short, (since when is 33 long a "tall"?) and you have no boobs to fill your unisex scrub top.

- You get offended glances as you eat your cheeseburger and fries at lunch from your coworkers who are on the "lean cuisine" diet...

-People assume you, having a pair, possess the superhuman strength to lift the 350lb lady in someone else's room, regardless of the fact that several of your female coworkers look tough enough to whup yer @$$...

-Your credentials should read: RN-NWP (registered nurse, nurse with prostate)

-Your PMS detection skills are at an all-time high along with your avoidance maneuver techniques...

-You feel like you're either married to, or being a daddy to everyone else in your unit....

Keep 'em coming!

- There's no line for the bathroom during breaks from training classes.

- You're kid asks for you, not his mother, when he's sick.

- You always sign up to work Valentine's day, but never Super Bowl Sunday.

- You always have to tell your wife you're going out with "friends from work" when what you really mean is "a dozen hot chicks who are ten years my junior".

Pete Fitzpatrick


Writing from the Ninth Circle

Specializes in Neonatal ICU (Cardiothoracic).

Ha! That one about the hot chicks is awesome! It's so true!

Specializes in LTC.

-Your credentials should read: RN-NWP (registered nurse, nurse with prostate)

So funny - I get tired of hearing my pregnant female coworkers c/o having to go to the bathroom so often - forget being preg, try living with an aging prostate!

Specializes in LTC. routinely hear things like these without batting an eye or wishing you were somewhere else:

"good morning ladies"

or any reference to the nursing staff as "the girls"

or any mention of the following from your co-workers:



stetch marks

peeing when sneezing

or how "lucky" you are being a guy

Specializes in Med/Surg.

- You know more about the monthly cycles of your co-workers than yours own spouse/girlfriend!

- You know more about your co-workers sex lives than your own!

LMAO these are all true!

Specializes in LTC.

this fits because I don't think it happens too often with female nurses, but with surprising regularity with me:

you enter a patient's room for the first time, stethescope around your neck or otherwise holding some type of device/equipment or a chart, and before you can introduce yourself, they greet you "hello doctor".

Specializes in LTC.

how about:

you walk into a uniform shop that you've never been in before, and as you browse the scrub rack, the salesperson asks, "looking for something for your wife or girlfriend?" It just kills me that when I say "I'm looking for myself; I'm a nurse", they have such typical reactions. I'd like to think that the PYT is actually flirting with me, but I know it's just the medieval mentality.

Like, can I really be the first male nurse who'se ever shopped her or what?

Funny thing is, half the time I really am looking for something for my wife there, but I can't help throwing it out there anyway :)

Specializes in Neonatal ICU (Cardiothoracic).

Or how about shopping for scrubs, finally finding some that are actually long enough and not sack-like, only to get to the counter and have the clerk say patronizingly "oh honey, those are girl scrubs.... lets find you something else..."

D@#$ed if I could tell the difference!


Specializes in Neuro ICU, Cardiothoracic ICU.
Or how about shopping for scrubs, finally finding some that are actually long enough and not sack-like, only to get to the counter and have the clerk say patronizingly "oh honey, those are girl scrubs.... lets find you something else..."

D@#$ed if I could tell the difference!


I just about busted a gut reading that line about buying scrubs and having the lady at the check out stand patronize you. I'm guilty of that. And no scrubs fit right. There is no way to make unisex scrubs and have them fit both genders. It just doesn't make sense.

How know you're a male RN when the patient nobody wants to take care of because he is vulgar, crude and degrading treats you with plenty of respect.

Or, the doctor that cusses all the women out when they call at 3 am is plenty happy to hear your suggestions when you call.

There are many advantages to being a guy.

Specializes in Critical care.

...........When you get accused of being in "the boy's club" when you effectively communicate w/ the docs. They overlook that I/we can get along very well with most everyone in our professional dealings, not just the male docs. Often, it's just a calm, friendly, direct approach that wins 'em over. Anyone familiar with the phenomenon the docs refer to as "Nurse speak"? (I actually heard this from a female MD, BTW, if that'll make ya feel better) We too, are professionals, and our jobs are to clearly state what's in the pt's best interest (assuming we have a clue what that is, hehe).

Specializes in ER, Med/Surg.

"good morning ladies"

or any reference to the nursing staff as "the girls"

I always reply *LOUDLY* "Yeah, Hi, Good morning to you too!"

I usually get a "and guys..."


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