I Think I am ready. . .

Nursing Students Male Students


I start school next month and I am really anxious to begin my long journey in becoming a nurse.

It seemed like it was just yesterday (actually earlier this year) that I applied to my program. Nervous as I was, I was patiently waiting for the response. With all of the stories/rumors on how difficult it was to get into nursing school, I feared that I will not get in. But three months later, I got a letter.

Rejected. Because blah blah blah rejected blah blah sorry blah rejected blah blah try again blah blah blah rejected rejected rejected...

My world fell. I was so sad and disappointed. I wanted it so bad. My grade and test scores were great but great didn't get me into the program. I ask why. how. when. But ultimately I just have to accept that I did not get in and I would have to try again.

As 3 weeks passed since I got the rejection letter. I got a phone called.

"...some one dropped out and you were next on our list. Would you like to be part of the program?"

My response was, "...dropped out of what? Who is this? The nursing program? Are you kidding me? Is this a joke? Brenda is that you? Girl, you better not be messing with me. Oh...you are not Brenda. This is really the nursing program? I got ACCEPTED?! Can you hold on for a second, I'm driving and your news is making me faint and I got to pull over and get some fresh air. YES YES YES I will be part of the program!"

During the next 3 months I turned in all of the required paperworks, got my custom tailored scrubs, medical items and required text books. I even got a jumpstart on the reading the materials even though I did not know what I should be read. WHO CARES!? I'm in the nursing program and will eventually get to the material even if its not part of the curriculum, it is good knowledge to hold.

So fast forward to the present day on this sunny SoCal Wednesday at Starbucks typing this post I can say, I don't think I am ready...


Congratulations & good luck as well! I am entering on my final semester in my ADN program, and it has been a stressful but very empowering journey! Be sure to make friends, and get a good group. Definitely helps to have a good support group during school.

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