How my first day went...

Nursing Students LPN/LVN Students


My first day went very well. (I am in a BOCES PN program)

We got there for orientation and they showed us how to sign in. There is a logbook in the back of the classroom and we have to initial and put the time we got there. Then our two instructors introduced themselves and then we had to introduce ourselves and tell the class about us.

We did an activity as an "ice-breaker" - we had to find 3 people with the same eye color, same town we live in, favorite hobby and favorite animal. They said it was important to find out who lives in the same town in case our car breaks down etc.

They gave general information such as where the bathroom was, where we can eat and cant eat...etc. Then we had a tiny break and a lot of people went to turn in more forms and ask the instructors questions.

Next they gave more information and then we went on lunch. We came back from lunch to get our weekly schedule detailed with quizzes, tests, homework and what we will go over in class.

Our first homework assignment was assigned which was to make a "about me" poster so they could know more about us, and we could know more about our classmates and make study buddies.

We then received the student handbook and were told we had to read it for homework and we will have a quiz on it Thursday. Our first day of class is Friday, so the next two days are more orientation.

Anyways, that is how my day went. We have 44 people in my class, 39 females and 5 males--who I must add are quite the comedians. We have a good mixture of people who are young and people who have kids that are grown and are coming back to school. So far everyone seems very nice. Okay I wrote enough for now! Good luck to everyone!

Okkk! Time to breath! Orientation was fine on thrusday, kind of boring since all we did was go over the handbook and were given a bunch of advice on time managment and studying! That was interesting. We also went over what uniforms we need for clinicals and were given the model numbers for the uniforms. I'm still pondering to get two or three of them. We were also told that we will need the drug reference guide on monday even though it was not put on the list as books that start the course. As soon as they said something I ordered it on Amazon but it will not be here until tuesday so im weighing my options.

Yesterday was our first day of real class. We went over alot of stuff and started the first chapter. Monday we are going in full throttle with the learning I'm rather excited!!! We also get our syllibus on Monday I cannot wait!! All in All I'm still excited and I know it will be awesome and stressful!!!! I'm glad we all had a so far so good start!

I am so glad that I signed up for this site gives me so much motivation to see so many other person are embarking on this journey with me also. We are the future nursing.

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