LSU BSN program Spring 2013

U.S.A. Louisiana


Is anyone applying to the LSU Traditional BSN program for Spring 2013? I haven't applied yet but plan on doing so. I'm really nervous, I have gone to a couple different schools so I think that my cumulative GPA is around 3.13 but my nursing pre-requisite GPA is 3.75. I'm afraid that my cumulative isn't good enough to be accepted. I'm applying to Charity as well, but my first choice is LSU.

Hey guys! I am going into my Senior 2 semester and I wanted to pop in and congratulate those that got in and offer encouragement to those who have not. From what I've read, many of you already have a bit of a sour taste in your mouth from the admission process. Honestly, I have no idea why it has taken till December to hear back from the school, but some great advice that I can impart is to be very patient with this school because its a long 3 years. The state budgets cuts to the LSU system has affected the nursing school as far as staffing, so things go a little slower than I'm sure ya'll are used to, just go with the flow. You will learn so much during these next three years, that you might think nothing more can fit in your brain, just remember the end goal and push through. there's so much information that the school is throwing at you right now and so many requirements that have be completed, so hopefully i can clarify some things for ya... Background checks are needed for the soph 2 semester when you start clinical, so you don't need to complete that now. When it gets closer an email will be sent out telling you where to go to get it down. You will also do urine drug test and get your finger prints down before going into clinical....but DON'T worry about that yet! If you are wondering about your schedule for this spring, you can find under current student-course schedule-spring 2013-undergraduate, it'll give you an idea of when your classes are with the exception of anatomy la, physiology lab and intro. I'm not sure what, if any info the school has given to ya'll at this point so I won't go overboard with information. If there are any specific questions I can help with, I would be happy to answer.

The school reopens on Jan. 2

Wanted to reiterate my congratulations to all of you and if you did not get in, there are many other schools in the area to consider. No matter where you go or how long it takes to become a nurse, in the end you still get to call yourself a don't give up!!!

If anyone is looking for a room, here is one available with two other nursing students.

Does anyone know what books we need?

Everybody calm down. Just make sure you go to the orientation and all will become clear. You will have time for books and all that other stuff later once you actually go to class on the first day. The drug test and fingerprints are all only needed until your second semester not now. The reason they want it now is so that you dont have to worry about it later because trust me you will be OVERWHELMED AND EXHAUSTED so it would be better to get it done now but you dont have too. I am on my second year at LSUHSC and all I can advice you is to be ahead. It is very rough and overwhelming but everyday just think of your goal. If other ppl did it so can you. Be willing to give up your freedom :( but hey it is all worth it in the end.....At least I

@rebecca9341 so you think it's a good idea to keep a job during school? I've always had one since I started my first job and I have some bills to pay, im just seeing if I should cut down on hours or if it is very possible to have a job?

I was fortunate enough to not have to work while in nursing school. Each semester has its own set of challenges that will require you to spend more time on school work than you have done in the past. Working while in nursing school will depend on how you adapt to all the changes you will be met with. Like I said, each semester is different... soph 1 you are at school most days of the week and taking very challenging courses, as you progress you spend less time at school and more time in the clinical setting (again-very challenging courses) which means a lot of time spent on clinical paperwork. You need to make sure you have ample time to study and do assignment and schedule in some time to unwind. I would recommend you cut back your hours as much as you can get by with and re-evaluate how things are working out for you. Don't schedule work before a test and when you start clinicals, don't schedule work the night before or the nights after a clinical day.

Working and school will have to be re-evaluated every semester, remember the end goal... if you need to quit in order to do well, then do it. I honestly don't know how some people were able to work, but you have to do what you have to do. Look in to financial aid too, I was surprised to have gotten a pell grant for these past 2 semester (I have never qualified for one before).

And a little aside, your soph 2 semester is going to be the heaviest course load of the program-so keep that in mind when deciding to keep your job.

thanks for all the info... does anyone know if it is too late to get financial aid?

OMG after all this time I finally got Accepted!!. I thought it was all over with, but they called me this morning and they had an open spot. The heavens have answers my prayers!! This is a miracle! :)

i am so happy for you!

Does anyone know the school code for the nursing school?. Im trying to change schools on my Financial Aid forms. I found one that was 002014.. does anyone know if thats correct?

Cfiest01: you are correct, you can go to the current students tab---> financial aid---> how to apply... and the code is there. But you have the right code.

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