Comparing schools

U.S.A. Louisiana


Do anybody know anything about Nicholls State BSN program? Or southeastern?? Like there Passing rates and acceptance rate

If you've already applied to Nicholls, the just wait to see what happens. If you don't get in, then you could take those last 3 over the summer, and apply to SELU along with some other schools also to try to get in Spring 2015 somewhere. Don't rush yourself. Take this time to work on learning about yourself and how to study...because once you get in anywhere, you'll be studying a LOT. I never learned HOW to study...I've always been able to just go sit in a class and get an A. But nursing school is a BEAST, and no matter how smart you think you are, it's hard and requires lots of studying. I've had a harder time than some through nursing school because I don't know how to study...and that's really tough when you come home with 30 or more pages of notes from one class and you don't know where to start.

I think studying is something im going to struggle you have any tips on that??

YES I DO! Start working NOW on study strategies. Most nursing schools are competitive to get in to, and because of that, during your first semester, many students may still have that competitive nature, and not want to help each other. Try to find a group of people you work well with and get study groups going. The biggest thing that will help...well, you know that 10 pound thing buy every semester that sits on your apartment floor and you occasionally use to prop open doors? What's it called...the textbook! Read that! LOL. I've never had to read my textbooks in the past, I've always been able to just use notes from class. Well, the textbook can be helpful. Also, don't feel limited to your textbooks either. If you have trouble understanding something, use the internet...use every available resource you have, because the stuff you're learning will affect someone's life one day. Finally, take breaks! I don't mean like a study break. I mean, every once in a while, take an entire day or weekend as a break from studying and everything about school to let your brain rest. Generally, you come back to your studies revitalized and fresh. But try to find out now how you best study. Note cards? Study groups? Rewriting notes? Mind mapping? Everybody is different. It also depends a lot on how your instructors teach. But you want to find your most efficient study methods now while you have time, because once you're in nursing school, you have almost no time for anything.

Oh, the point I was trying to make about the "competitive nature" statement was that you need to express to all of your peers in nursing school with you that once you're IN nursing school, the competition is OVER. Now it's time to help each other make it through nursing school. I he'd that problem with some people in my classes, but they eventually grew out of it.

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