
World International


Is their any Western Australian Nurses here who have had the please of being stuffed around by NurseWest?

More importantly, do you think they have any employees yet? I have not seen one NurseWest nurse in all the hospitals I work in.

If anyone else is interested, NurseWest is the government "agency" of nurses that are payed less than agency nurses, but have other benefits, listed below.

The hospitals are no longer allowed to contact the nursing agencies to book nurses. They have to ring Murse West who then rings the agency. So, we now have a middle man.

All the management positions are filled but still, where are the NurseWest employees????

When NurseWest runs out of Nurses, then they ring the agency for more. Since NurseWest has come in, I have been getting more work with the agency!!!!!

I have been stuffed around by nursewest, but will not post it here as it is pending investigation.

The Western Australian ANF journal says it will take 4 or 5 years to take off. Meanwhile, these people are getting paid to run an organisation that has no nurses. Such a waste of the health $$

But, how many nurses do you think will take a pay cut of $5 to 10$ an HOUR for the benefits offered. I certainly wouldn't!!

What do you think?

Wow, this discussion has really taken off since i was last here. I was actually contacted by a union member who wanted me to ring them and discuss NursePest, however, I have been reluctant to. They were doing an article on the shimsham that Nurse Pest is.

I still may contact them when I leave my current job which is in a public Hospital. When I do agency, I request to go private only as well, and the private sector must be the only ones who love NursePest because they have benefited the most from them.

NursePest don't sent their nurses to appropriate areas, I know this for a fact having a bad shift with a NursePest nurse who was not qualified for our area!!! Of course, I completed the necessary complaint form :D

I know what you mean!!!!!!! I have a friend that is an EN who works agency casually every now and again. She usually goes to Charlie's and they usually put her on a med or surg ward but Nurse West sent her to ED!! Apparently they have done that to loads of people and try to send EN's to vent comp ICU shifts....obviously they don't know what they are doing!!

I'd be very interested to know if you got a response from that form, Barb - my friend didn't do anything about it as she was only there for the one shift and didn't want to black mark her name, but she felt really unsafe as she has NEVER entered ED before in her life!

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