Medicare Diagnosis Changes

Specialties Hospice


Hi All,

I got the following message from NAHC regarding proposed CMS changes:

NAHC is reporting that in the CMS Open Door Forum held on May 8, CMS indicated thatin the future they will be returning claims to Hospice providers for certain diagnosis codes. It appears CMS is explicitly stating that it does not consider debility, failure to thrive, dementia and other similar diagnosisc odes to be appropriate as a principal diagnosis code for hospice claims. NAHC is recommending that that all hospices review each case where these diagnosis codes are listed as the principle diagnosis. Agencies should also be reporting all related co-morbidity diagnosis codes on their claims."

Has anyone heard anything further? This is concerning since there are patients who truly only qualify under one of these 3 diagnoses.

Hi SuesquatchRN...just to put this out there, there is a bill in congress requesting increased funding for hospice and palliative education to be mandatory in all accredited medical and nursing schools. It has a poor chance of passing but sometimes it helps to write your state rep in support of the bill. Here's the link of you are interested Text of H.R. 1339: Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act (Introduced version) -

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