Has anyone worked for Senior Bridge/Humana as an IC for Care Manager ?

Specialties Home Health


Specializes in Maternal-Child, Home Care, Case Manager.

I have been offered a position with the Senior Bridge/Humana Transitions home health program as a Independent Contractor RN Care Manager. My questions are has anyone done this and how is it working out ? There is no "on-call" pay however, you are expected to be available by phone 24/7, they do not provide a phone to you to use I assume because you are working as independent contractor. I would really appreciate any feed back. (this is my first time posting in the forum's please forgive me if it is wrong.) Thank you very much.

I suspect there is a good reason this question has gone unanswered. Please post a follow up and tell us how the job is going...

Hello nursesdayz1,

I was curious to know if you started the position. I am investigating this type of position and looking for individuals that have done or are currently doing it. Feel free to contact me at [email protected] if needed. Thank you.

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