Who wants to go to Emory? Summer 2013 ABSN/MSN

U.S.A. Georgia


To anyone else who put in an application to Emory this fall and is anxiously awaiting news from the office of admissions: let's wait together! Only about 8 weeks until this seemingly impossible wait will be coming to an end...

I don't know much about the program at Emory, but I have heard only glowing word-of-mouth reviews, and the admissions staff have come across as warm and supportive. I am especially impressed by the school's focus on social responsibility. Is it crazy to fall in love with a school sight unseen? What are your own reasons for applying to Emory?

I would also love to hear from current or former students about your experiences there. How are the group dynamics among students and with professors? Has studying there taught you how to apply nursing skills to community outreach/development?

I'm in the same situation! I've already paid a deposit to Jefferson, but am really debating between Emory and Columbia. I would love to go to either school but it's going to come down to cost for me... I just wish Emory would provide financial aid awards before the deposit is due!

SMB13 I too am debating between Emory and Columbia... I would love to chat with you and ask you a few questions if you're up for it! I can't PM since I don't have enough posts but my email address is [email protected] if you get a second and could shoot me an email? Thank you and I look forward to talking to you! :)

Has anyone heard anything about financial aid?

Specializes in Pediatrics.

Congrats to all of those that have been accepted! I finished the ABSN portion in August and I definitely know I made the right decision by choosing to attend Emory.

If anyone has any questions feel free to post or PM me....I know this can be a nerve-wrecking time making decisions on which school to choose and also considering financial aid options. Congrats again!

I still haven't heard anything from financial aid. One of my parents just recently sent in their CSS profile, so I expect that it will take a while for processing. I really want to hear something about the scholarship/fellowship soon though. Even if it's bad news, at this point I just want to put an end to this long wait.

T-Dasha, do you happen to know how Fuld Fellowship and Woodruff Scholarship applicants are notified (by phone, email, letter), and if they contact everyone who applied, including those who aren't selected?

All of the unknowns are so overwhelming! I am probably annoying the heck out of my family members with my constantly frantic mood. I just want to go to Emory so badly, and it won't be possible without significant outside help. Hopefully next week we will all get more info...

On a lighter note, have you all checked out the school email accounts? I know it's not much to get excited over, but it makes my future at EU feel a little more real. :)

I e-mailed KK and she said that we should be hearing some financial aid decisions by Friday !!

Specializes in Pediatrics.

Hey...I didn't apply for the Fuld but I asked one of my friends who did. She said eventually they did receive notification that they had not been awarded the scholarship. However, by the time they received the notification it was like a few weeks before school so she basically already knew that she hadn't gotten it at that point.

Ok, thanks for asking around for us!

I still have no word on financial aid.

This is kind of nuts. The deposit was due over a week ago and soon deposits will be due at other schools. I have taken a leap of faith to trust Emory with granting good aid and submitted the deposit, but soon I will have to make a deposit elsewhere as well.

Has anyone heard anything about aid?

And t-daha: did you move to Atlanta from elsewhere? Or, are you from ATL?

All I have heard was that I wasn't chosen for the Fuld fellowship and that my package should be ready next week. If you call financial aid they can tell you if your application is under review. Emory has been awful with financial aid and I heard they only give a couple grand a semester for the nursing grants, but I guess we will just wait an see!!

Oh really? I heard at the info session that Nobody in the previous year turned down Emory for financial reasons. I will definitely post my financial status and info for future generations of NP prospectives on here to see.

Specializes in Pediatrics.

I'm originally from Louisiana....but I had already been living in ATL for 3 years when I started the program. So I've been here for almost 5 years now.

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