MIddle Georgia State College (Macon State)

U.S.A. Georgia


Any feedback on this school? How you like the program? I know they have consolidated with MGC. Have anyone been excepted with minimum stats? Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks

I called Friday and she said they had not gone out yet and there was no deadline. I feel sick because I have deadlines approaching for other programs (where I was accepted), but this is the one I really want because I wouldn't have to move or transfer schools. I get that they're really busy and stressed out, but this is agonizing. However, she did say they're working through the weekend on it, so hopefully very soon.

Ok thanks a lot. It is killing me not to know a yes or a no! Just want to find out one way or another. Good luck and let me know if you hear anything else and I will be sure to do the same.

Nothing today.

I didn't get anything today ether.

I got it! I'm in the program!

Hi everyone! Anyone commuting from the Atlanta area to attend the asn program at mga?

@Moon Pie - Would you mind giving me an idea of how the typical first semester asn program schedule looks?

I did't get in. I guess I'll try in the fall. Good luck!! I'm sure you will do great.

@ aperry245.. During your nursing orientation last year at mga did the staff discuss clinical days or a schedule in general?

I don't really remember. I think they kind of explained how it would work, but days/dates were not specific at that point.

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