MIddle Georgia State College (Macon State)

U.S.A. Georgia


Any feedback on this school? How you like the program? I know they have consolidated with MGC. Have anyone been excepted with minimum stats? Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks

I live in Gray, so it's ab 30 minutes away..if I get in we'll be in the same cohort...study buddies!!!

YAY!!!! You have to be in there! I am saying a prayer right now! My last name starts with an A so hopefully yours will come tomorrow!

Wait! I just realized something. You applied for BSN, right? I applied to both but only received ASN letter. I still lack one more pre-req for BSN. But hopefully they didn't wait to send the BSN letters.

CONGRATS Lica05! I am praying I get it my GPA is not that strong I'm at 2.78 :(. 87% Hesi, 920 critical thinking. But I'm faithful. My last name start with M and I haven't got one either. (Sigh) PRAYING

I am praying for both of you guys! Don't stress your scores....I was nervous too but God is a good God and he knows our desires and dreams!

I applied to the BSN program! Dang...so you haven't gotten your BSN program letter yet?

No, I didn't get a letter about the BSN. I can say it did not state anything about my application to the BSN program. It just plainly stated I have been accepted to the ASN Spring 2014 on the Macon campus. Sooooo, I figured I would recieve a separate one for the BSN. But I still have a pre-req to complete and they say you have to have all pre-req complete before getting into the BSN. That is why I am so happy I got in ASN; I'll just bridge on to the BSN.

I'm praying for you guys!!!!!!

MY GOD IS SO GOOD! Yyaaaayyy I GOT IN!!!

Yes HE is!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations!!!!!!!!! Which program? ASN or BSN?

Great!!! See you soon! Congrats again!!!

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