This is a broken record....

Nursing Students General Students


Hi everyone. I hope that everyone isn't getting tired of all of us bragging away! I got my letter today too!!!!

I feel like doing the dance. I have waited so long for this...I got married after my first year of college and then within the first two years of marriage, had two kids. Now I have been married 13 (whoa...that kinda scared me when I saw that! That's a LONG time!) years and have 5 children - all my own - no step.

Now I finally am able to get an education and it feels thrilling! Has anyone ever been there like me? I do have a question though and maybe could use some advice!

My family and my husband really support me going back to school, in fact my husband threatened me if I quit. The problem is HIS family. My mother-in-law didn't even congratulate me when I told her that I got my acceptance letter. She just said "Oh". Nice huh? He's got 5 brothers and sisters all of which think I am a bad mother for going to school and in their eyes "not fully raising my children". Now I don't have to go to school for financial reasons, my husband and I just feel that it's important for everyone to have an education.

Am I wrong or not? I have excellent children who are academically gifted and have great manners. They all think that if I go to school, these gifts of my kids will just go away.

Any opinions? I truly appreciate good advice. Thanks bunches!

Karen in Las Vegas

Hi Karen,

I am in Las Vegas too, where are you going to school??? I am at CCSN and just received my acceptance letter on saturday! I was thrilled and my family is too. Sorry to hear about your family, you are doing the right and your family will be better for it! If you are at CCSN I will see you on July 18th for our first orientation. Hope to see you there.

Louisa in Vegas

Congratulations and Best Wishes for Success! It sounds like we have a lot in common! I too will be attending ADN in the fall. I have a very supportive husband ( we'll be married 11 years next Saturday) and two beautiful, intelligent children! I feel very sorry that your hubby's family is so unsupportive of your decision to go to college. You are setting a great example for your children and honestly I would not worry about what they think of your decision.

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