passed first drug calc test!!!

Nursing Students General Students


Hello All,

Just wanted to share my accomplishment with everyone here! I PASSED MY FIRST DRUG CALC TEST!!! Please understand why this is sooo important to me, I absolutely SUCK at math! I have a very bad math anxiety and I STILL passed! I can actually do this! Just wanted to share my joy! Anyone that do not like math, please understand it's not that bad. If I can do it, anyone can! :monkeydance::lol2: Keep hope alive!

we had our first drug calc test about a month ago..i failed the first one,well not failed...i missed one....didnt label....had to get 100 to the 2nd time around i dotted ALL my eyes and crossed ALL my t's....and got that 100......:yeah:so happy too....cause i stink at math too....

this week we had to give meds in the lab...we had a PT and the dr orders and the MARS.....had to it was all POs and one nitro paste.....the first time i failed......i had to give 0.125 of dig and it came as you think i could do the math on that simple dose....NOPE...PANICED....i did.....i even did the dose desired over dose on hand formula....i even came up with 0.5.....1/2....and i came the poor lady 2!!!....i thought......well..i didnt know what i thought at that point.....i was so flustered.....i did everything else perfect though.....anyway.....i was much more relaxed the 2nd time and passed perfectly........i had to give 0.25 of dig and it only came that is 2....:lol2:

I have given meds and shots in clinicals....but my instructor is there EVERY step of the the lab....she just sat there and let us do it all on our own.....said we can let you make mistakes here...but not in the hospital....thats why they do the pass or fail thing....yoiu get 3 tries then your need to remember to ask there AP pulse rate,their BP and thier potasium level...cause i gave potasium too.....

i can not wait to be a real nurse......i want it so bad:nurse:


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