Nausea on the job?? Please help!

Nursing Students General Students


Hi All -

I am a new nursing student, just shy of two months into my program in NYC - Recently, I've learned that although I have never had an issue with the sight of blood or needle sticks in general... I apparently get nauseas and feel extremely dizzy/lightheaded in the presence of such.

In clinical rotation a couple of weeks ago I was part of an assist for a femoral IV blood draw. This consisted of flushing the line twice w/ 10cc saline, drawing 10cc of waste and then pulling out the desired blood for labs. At the point of the 10cc waste blood filling the syringe, I nearly lost it. -- I was able to keep it together on the surface but was honestly concerned that I might pass out as the process continued. I counted about four yawns with in a minute or two towrad the latter part of the draw. -

Naturally, I am concerned. I am so fully dedicated to this program. I absolutely love it and having started it has only further cemented the fact that this is what I want to do with my life. Nursing feels right. I believe in the right person for the right job and I have no doubt I will be able to provide excellent care for patients as well as contribute to a productive environment wherever I wind up working post-schooling --- but right now I just need to figure out how to overcome this physiological reaction I am having. -- I will admit, for a day or two after having experienced this, I was fighting myself mentally over whether or not I am cut out of this job etc. - The stress of the program (I work FT days and attend the school at night) has really put me as well as the bulk of my classmates in an emotionally fragile state, but as mentioned above I am certain this is the right calling....

Any tips or pointers on getting through this stage? -- Any other students care to share their stories with me? Knowing that some others out there experienced the same type of feelings really helps. -- I did come clean to my colleagues and my clinical professor. I thought perhaps by doing so I'd be looked at as a weak-link but I believe the exact opposite is true. Having ignored it would have given the situation negative energy and I want to embrace it for what it is and move forward.

Please help! :)


Nikki in NYC

Hey NikkiJo,

I've been following all sorts of PBISN threads for a while. In April I was accepted into the Jan 2014 evening program. I have been trying to locate anyone who is/was in the evening program, but there doesn't seem to be many.

Anyway, I'm sure you are swamped, but I was hoping you could offer any insight into the evening program. I'm dying to speak with someone first-hand about the challenges.

Any advice would be great!

Lastly, I hope your time at PBISN has been a wonderful experience and best wishes on your upcoming graduation!

Hi Nikki! I was wondering how this was going?! I am starting nursing school in a couple of weeks and know that it is the right job for me but am experiencing the same thing. Any tips?

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