Jefferson Fact 2 Night/Weekend vs Drexel Ace Night/Weekend

Nursing Students General Students


I am very interested in the Jefferson Fact 2 Evening/Weekend Program or Ace Evening/Weekend 2 year program. Hoping someone can clarify how the programs work..I have heard rumor that the Drexel Ace program is two nights a week and only every other weekend with some classes online, whereas the Jefferson Fact 2 is two nights a week and every weekend and only on campus. If someone could shed some light as to whether that is true. I have also heard that the Drexel Ace program is only every other either Saturday or Sunday in the summers as well. Having a family makes the Drexel program more appealing, but I really am leaning toward Jefferson because I feel the admissions department is very responsive and engaged and really enjoyed the information session. If any one has any advice or information on how the programs work or differ especially when it comes to the weekend schedule, I would really appreciate it!

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