I got IN! Now that I'm here, any advice on planning a weekly schedule?

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I got in! I start in September and I plan to start studying tomorrow! Well, perhaps not tomorrow but soon. Just to relieve some stress for the fall semester. Does anyone have any advice about time management while in nursing school? I'm really organized and I want to have a routine planned before I start. What parts of your routine were most important for success? Even if I have to change it once the semester begins I want to be as prepared as possible. Any nursing books that were must haves for you? Any new nursing student advice would be appreciated. Thanks :D

Make a calendar of all you assignment due dates as hang it above you desk (or in your study area), also keep a copy in your planner. A planner will help a ton!! I keep mine on me so I always have access to what's going on in school and regular life (kids activities, appointments, etc.). Congrats on your acceptance!!!

I have already almost worked through a dosage calculations textbook. I start my first semester in August. We have a test the first day, it doesn't count but the second one must be passed with 100%. I also plan on getting the fundamentals of nursing text and start reading it. So ill be familiar with it from the start. The last thing I plan on reading and becoming familiar with is a good nursing diagnosis handbook. :)

Congratulations!! You are about to begin an exciting, stressful, and very rewarding journey.

A planner helped me throughout my time in school. I also had a large whiteboard calendar on my wall that I wrote important dates on, blocks of study time on, etc. What will help you the most is your willpower and determinationt to actually sit down, study, and master the material.

Get ahold of as many practice NCLEX books as you can. I use three different ones to study for my tests (Pearson, Saunders, and I can't remember the third offhand), and I've found them to be very helpful!

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