Decisions decisions...and how to choose....

Nursing Students General Students


I've been lurking here and well I need some advice.....

I've been asking everyone I know what I should do but I don't think they can give me a honest answer w/o knowing exactly what the "role" is of a LVN v. RN.

I was in a local ADN program in 1999 but had to leave school due to a family illness (my dh was mis-dx'd w/ a brain tumor)....

So here I am 2004....this is my LAST chance to use or lose my science courses for the RN. My locall community college will only allow them if they are w/in 5 yrs of application to their lvn and rn programs.

My choices:

the LVN program I'm looking into is very close to my home, the hours are wonderful (I have 3 kids and daycare for the youngest is going to kill us financially) and it's 3 semesters. Time is of the essence here.

the ADN program (same school as the LVN) is great, will accept my science courses from 1999 w/ question and again hours and location are EXACTLY what I need.

here's the problem.......

the competiton for BOTH programs is stiff...both are new to the area and are BOOMING w/ applicants. Only the top 30 will make it. The last RN class had over 200 applicants!!

the LVN deadline is April 1st and begins in August...for 3semesters

the RN deadline isn't til early FALL (usually Aug from what the instructor told me) and for 6 semesters.

I can apply to the LVN AND the RN programs but if I get accepted to the LVN program I'll have to decide whether to chance that I'm in the top 30 ranking thatwill get a slot in the ADN program....or not.

So while I WANT the RN program I just don't know if I'm good enough on paper to get in...

and don't want to loss the oppty for the LVN ..I wouldn't even FIND out if I'm in or not til AFTER the LVN classes begin....and I'd have to wait another year to reapply....

Does that make sense?

another factor is HOME LIFE.... My dh like so many I've read about this week NOT supportive of my return to school.

So much so that I don't put anything past him to get me to leave school. The last time I heard "forget about school, just go work at Krogers!!!" about 180 times before I told him to shove it up his

My dh is not a bad guy....he isn't mean to me or the kids or anything like that... but he is definitely controlling or at least tries to be. We don't have alot of money....(who but we make it BARELY...and a major factor in my feelings about returning to school NOW rather than later is that his satisfaction w/ just barely making our bills etc is somethign I can't deal with.

I know that he is afraid that if I get my education I will leave him...and he's probably right. He has even gone as far as to tell me I better get a part time job or something because none of HIS MONEY was going to go toward my school, DAYCARE for our youngest son or anything else related to my returning to school(as if we have any extra??? ).

That is my MAIN reason for returning to give me options that I don't have right now...and I don't know if I can commit to the 2yrs of RN school with him on my back the entire time....the first time was HORRIBLE...

I was a wreck....but also I knew in my heart and soul that I was MEANT to be a nurse I still do.

The school itself part wasn't all that hard for me....I pulled A's and B's the whole way w/out really making much effort....I kept going to my advisor and saying "I MUST be doing something wrong...why am I doing so well w/o really working and I see everyone else struggling"...she was the sweetest lady...she just told me that it was a sign I was doing the right thing w/ my life :)



now what!

I want options, I want a career, I want my kids to be happy and have what they need (financially and emotionally)....

I'm just feeling so lost....

What do you guys think? help please....

Specializes in Med-Surg, LTC, Rehabiliation Nursing.


Oh my Gosh,

I agree, off the subject, but it really is not, because it is amazing how the hubby can call you when they are getting off from work, (mine works 2nd shift), and tell you that they had a hard day and are going to stop by the buddies house to relax. Never mind that you were in nursing school all morning, have a paper to write and a house to clean and two kids fighting for all you attention from the minute you get out of school until you go to bed at night. Takes everything I have not to be BITTER some days!!!!

Remember, you will be able to support yourself and your children all by yourself after you are done this. Nursing is the most scary, fulfilling, difficult, rewarding, wonderful I have ever done in my life. I am thrilled and terrified at the same time. My husband is in turns supportive and then not, he is afraid I will leave him when I graduate, and geez, I just might if he cant honor our wedding vows and be a good partner to me. No matter how hard school is, remember it will put you on equal footing in the long run. And really, what better place is there to be? Good luck, remember many states have programs to help single moms get through school, it will be the hardest thing you ever did, but also the most rewarding.

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