Best Organizational Tip For Surviving Nursing School

Nursing Students General Students


I am exceedingly disorganized. I just am. My house is disorganized, my car is a mess, and my kitchen/laundry area resemble tornado alley in spring.

In getting my pre-requisites done, it was not a problem. In other careers, it was not a problem. In both cases, I was able to 'work around' things, so I never got organized. This has affected me this semester, both because I couldn't find things, and because it just bugged me. So over Christmas break, I am going to try to get - and stay - organized. But how to do it??

I was thinking that a thread with BEST organizational tips would help. Because I am not as unique as I like to think I am, maybe this thread would help others, I suspect others are in the same muddle as I maybe this thread will help everyone.

Anyway, I am looking forward to seeing your hints, helps, tips, and suggestions...


Lovin Learning

Yes, it's REALLY cut down on his wasted time. I'm sure he didnt appreciate it at first but what would once take 45+ min, is now taking 20 min because he can just sit down and do it. I am also 100% positive part of it had to do with his age and he wanted to get up and roam the house but now he cant. :D

Hmmmm, wonder how I'm going to like this set up ..... LOL

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