Well here's something I didn't think about: secondhand pot smoke?

Nurses General Nursing


I recently accepted a position in a nice facility, after a year and a half hiatus to go back to school. I am now about to go through the pee and background checks. It's never been an issue in my many years as an RN, because I don't smoke pot, indulge in drugs, or hijack cars or rob banks.

Last night, I got to thinking, however, that exposure to secondhand pot might very well be an issue. See, I live fairly far out in the country, and the only store/gas station/diner/post office within a 17 mile radius of my home is owned by a moron who is of the green variety--grows, cooks, smokes (even in the store!) all varieties of cannabis one could imagine. (Before he bought the place, I had no idea of exactly how versatile cannabis is. Who knew?!? )

People have been complaining of pot smoke wafting through the building on occasion, and cops have been called (no regulatory agency wants to do anything about it---a story for a different day, and it doesn't help that I live in a very pot-friendly state.) I visit this place nearly every day--to pick up mail, yak with locals, buy a gallon of milk, get a burger, or buy gas. If it's particularly stinky on any given day, I don't stay long. I've not had to take a pee test for over 11 years (long before this clown bought the establishment), and it just never crossed my mind.

All I can think now is what the hell am I going to do if my pee has THC in it??? Tell my new employer, "Really! I didn't do it! There's this guy that owns the store, see, and..." If I was an employer, I'd be thinking, "Uh-huh, riiiiiight." (I would lay money down that some of you reading this are thinking, "Uh-huh, riiiight." :) ) In all seriousness, I am quite concerned. However, I don't know exactly how MUCH I have been exposed to, maybe not much, and perhaps I am just getting worked-up over nothing. But, I am at this establishment for at least a few minutes every day.

Specializes in Oncology.
We'll see a post here one day by this chick, lamenting the fact that she's gotten unjustly fired for failing a drug test.

And surely only failed because of the cold medicine she took 3 weeks prior.

Specializes in Anesthesia, ICU, PCU.

"I don't smoke pot, indulge in drugs, or hijack cars or rob banks."

I see those DARE commercials worked for you then. Just to give you some sound information to fuel your abstinence. Smoking weed will definitely 100% always lead to a life of crime. The sciences have been done on it and many statistics researches have proven that the marijuana leaf, when transformed into a joint cigarette using what they call a "cannabis lab," activates the section of the brain that corresponds with violence and immorality. Again this is science and the statistics researches have been done by many statisticians and Ph.D research guys with many years of being smart and stuff. Weed worked for me!

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