Sleep hangover

Nurses General Nursing


Has anyone ever experienced a really bad sleep hangover? A sleep hangover is when you have self-induced sleep deprivation for a few nights, and when you do have opportunity to sleep, and you sleep alot, you are gorked and really not quite right after that long sleep. :o :confused:

mind fry, hangover, or just knowing your bed is calling your name and not being able to answer stinks!

Yes! Yes! Yes! While going through basic training I thought I would never be able to sleep to much. WRONG! I found that if I attempt to "Catch" up on sleep I would have what you call a "sleep hangover". Through the years of working nights and working some nights some days, I found that if I set my alarm to wake up at a regular set time, most of the time it is for about 6 hrs, I don't have the hang over effect. My husband on the other hand also works nights, he plans on being tired. he will go to bed at 10pm and sleep until 1pm the next day before he goes to work. Then complains about not feeling well. On the days which he gets woke up early am, such as a swat call or fire call then he feels great. The point, he is getting to much sleep. Our bodies will tell us when it is time to get up and when it is time to sleep, do not force the issue either way. Just make sure you are not doing things that will keep you awake when you should be sleeping. I once had a professor tell me to drink a glass of wine before bed. This really helped on my Hoot Owl nights.

I heard in a PT's room on the news tonight that "women who sleep too much or too little are 40% prone to heart disease." Heh - I thought I was the one who started this discussion.

There are 10 hours before I have to wake up and go until this time tomorrow. Nursing school is a breeze.. I begged to leave work 4 hours early.

I plan to sleep a good 8 now, but this is the moment neuro-transmiters can start to vibrate on me. I'll start to procastinate my own sleep. Not.

Let the flow of sleep wash me into deep delta waves for so long i dream tiny particles. I'm sorry :-(

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