Baptist Versant Program 2014

U.S.A. Florida


Hello everyone! I just wanted to know if anyone applied to this program? I would also like to get some feedback on previous New Grads that went through the program. THANKS! :)

That was exactly what I was doing.. i did Kaplan, lippincott and the ncsbn course which I didnt finish.. just did the q banks at the're on the right track :)

I feel overwhelmed because i don't have a set schedule as in studying certain tops daily of content and i am worried if i should be doing that. what i do is about 150 questions a day kaplan & saunders and just read the rationals for them whether i got it right or wrong.

don't worry you know the content by know.. just do practice questions and you'll be fine.. when I did mine I just did Kaplan, I read the entire book though.. and did the practice question never got more than 65% my average in the trainers was 60 - 65% so I think you are doing good... try to cover any content that you don't know just in case (aside from that just do questions and more questions)

I'm so glad I found this forum! I too have applied for the Baptist versant program and interviewed for the peds ER, but haven't been called back. That's the least of my worries right now! I actually take my Nclex this Wednesday and I'm really anxious! Any tips from previous test takers on how to relax before the test? Thanks in advance! :cat:

good luck tomorrow!! you have to come back and et us know how it went! what is your method of studying?

I've been doing Kaplan for questions (about 75 questions a day + reviewing) and Hurst for content.

Thanks I definitely will!

thats exactly what i am doing ! yay you got this!

Good luck on your test tomorrow !!!

Good Luck today on your exam :)

Baptist started calling for the Med surg interviews, two friends of mine were called yesterday for interviews.. Nothing on my side yet :(

Good morning!!! Lets hope for the best!!!

Thank you to everyone who wished me good luck! That dreaded test is over with and now to play the waiting game!

I got called from baptist for an interview yesterday for a medsurg interview. I asked and they told me that if you interviewed for a specialty area, they have already called everyone they wanted to hire :sarcastic:. Buttttt on the bright side, atleast there is this opportunity.

Good luck to everyone! :up:

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