Texas Health July 2017 Residency

Nurses New Nurse


Does anyone know when Texas Health Resources will open up their application for their Graduate Nurse Residency program for July 2017?

Has anyone worked in the ICU for any of the THR facilities? If so, where at and what are some pros/cons?

Thank you :)

May17RN ... How did your interview go? I interviewed Monday. :) I am watching my email for any sign of a decision.

Well I think- they said they would make a decision and let us know next week

I have an ER interview on friday. What kind of questions did they ask you? If you don't mind sharing...

I have an ER interview on friday. What kind of questions did they ask you? If you don't mind sharing...

Mine was super informal more a chat no specific questions.

I have an ER interview on friday. What kind of questions did they ask you? If you don't mind sharing...

My interview was very casual too. It was a panel of 3 people. I thought they would ask the typical "Tell me your greatest weakness" or "Tell me about a time you had conflict at work" but nothing like that.

I have another interview tomorrow... I will let you know what they ask if its different.

My status for Dallas NICU just went from "interviewing" to "interview process", anyone know what this means? Also they told me it would start in September- not a problem for me, it gives me a chance to brush up on Spanish?

My status for Dallas NICU just went from "interviewing" to "interview process", anyone know what this means? Also they told me it would start in September- not a problem for me, it gives me a chance to brush up on Spanish?

I just checked mine and all my Dallas, still say "interviewing"... so maybe "interview process" is something good :) I thought all the Versant THR wide classes start July 24?

I don't know- they asked me if it would be a problem with the wait period- I said no I would take the extra time to study. It was weird they have an October cohort and a July, but I'm wondering if maybe with the delay in interviews they had to push it back? they told me first 3 weeks would be in Arlington for classes with at least one day a week in Dallas and it would be night shift by December.

But mine just changed since 6 pm. when i last checked- I had to one more time before bed

Anyone heard anything from THR-Dallas?

I got an offer friday

Yay! Congratulations! Do you start in Sept or July?

Yay! Congratulations! Do you start in Sept or July?

Thanks! I start in July!Apparently the manager misspoke during the interview- I would be on the floor end of August/ beginning of September

Well I have everything crossed I will be joining you in July. Still no word back for my interviews.

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