Need job advice

Nurses New Nurse


  1. What should I do?

    • 0
      Take the hospital job even if it means quitting in 4 months
    • Skip the hospital job and try in new city.

7 members have participated

My husband moves a lot for work. I graduated from nursing school in May 2014 and landed my first job in our new city in home health. I really want to be in the hospital and eventually do travel nursing. I know I need a year or more of experience for that. My dilemma is that I was offered a position in the hospital here with great orientation on the stroke unit. I'm hesitant to take it because my husband was already offered a new position in another city/state in 4 months which would leave me quitting right after I finish orientation. I don't want to pass up on this opportunity here because the new city job market is terrible. I also don't want to risk not being able to get another position after quitting my first job after 4 months. Any advice on whether I should take the hospital job here or lose the opportunity and try my luck in the new city?

Specializes in Critical Care, Postpartum.

I wasn't rude I was giving you what you didn't want to hear....the reality.

Find out where you'll be moving to and start looking there...ASAP.

Sent from iPink's phone via allnurses app

You could have stopped after your advice about the position. But your rude comment was assuming I wanted justification for taking the position when that just wasn't the case. Anyways. I've already said I was going to turn it down. Geeze.

Specializes in Critical Care, Postpartum.

Your response led me to believe you didn't care they would be waisting money. I have every right to post what I want whether you like the response or not.

Sent from iPink's phone via allnurses app

Please find someone else's thread to troll.

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