Nursing Students Excelsior


I am studying to take the CPNE. I test November 7-9th in Savannah,Ga. I must say I am very nervous and most days I feel overwhelmed by the amount of information we are expected to learn. Any advice from others who have passed the CPNE would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks! I'm not gonna lie, this test weekend was TOUGH! The CPNE pushes you...mentally, physically, and emotionally. I pretty much felt like a queasy, nervous wreck the entire time. For everyone out there that is waiting to test, I have some good, basic advice.

1) First of all, READ THE STUDY GUIDE! I think that I probably read it 3 or 4 times. In fact, I hauled it around in a backpack every single day for about half a year and would read it while at work, at home, waiting to get my car's oil changed, whenever and wherever. I also got the CPNE flash cards from Excelsior's bookstore and they helped, too. You need to memorize those critical elements, they need to be burned into your brain! I didn't use a grid to check off my critical elements, for some reason this method just didn't click for me, but Kmcm did and the CA actually announced to us what a good job she did with it and how organized she was.

2) You gotta know how to make a careplan, and you need to know how to do it the Excelsior way based on the Kardex that they give you. Do not stray from the Kardex!! Do not go on a tangent. Keep it simple and do not give yourself extra work. Tab the most commonly used nursing diagnosis in your Mosby's and stick with those and only those. Remember, if they don't accept your initial careplan, then you don't even make it through the door to see the patient. Game over for that PCS.

3) Set up a skills lab in you home and practice those lab stations. This is imperative, because otherwise you go into Day 2 with additional stress and fear hanging over your head. I passed all my labs on the first try and it definitely helped me face Day 2 with more confidence (and you need every last little bit!). I did Sheri Taylor's online workshop, and found it to be helpful. Plus, a workshop, whether online or in-person, makes you feel less isolated and more connected to other people that are experiencing the same fear, anxiety and self-doubt that you are.

4) Lastly, try to keep in mind that the CA and the CEs are human beings, too, and they want you to pass. Talk to them. Ask them questions. At the worst, they will simply say, "I can't answer that," but they may give you a significant look instead and say something like, "Why would you need to change that?" Who knows, they may just drop little hints here and there that will save your butt...mine did! Thanks CE! Btw, the Savannah site is nice, low-key, and the CA and CEs were all super nice and approachable. I definitely recommend this site vs somewhere like Grady if only because you won't have to deal with the stress of downtown traffic or the big city craziness of ATL.

Well, that's about it! The Excelsior journey has been an interesting experience, but I'm sooooo glad that it's over!! I feel like I'm part of a really exclusive club now. For everyone out there that is waiting to test, GOOD LUCK! You can do it! Walk into that hospital with confidence knowing that you have prepared (and probably over-prepared) and stay positive. Try to keep a mental image of that white congratulations letter in your hand. It shall be yours, oh yes, it shall be yours...Keep your anxiety in check and put on your happy face. With hard work and the right attitude, this exam is doable.



CONGRATS!!!!:smokin:This gives me hope. Take FCCA finals first week of Dec. On to CPNE after.... I already bought ST and Robs online workshops. I figure, might as well start the prepping...Im super terrified:nailbiting:

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