I bummed my interview...just wanna vent!

Specialties Correctional


Yep! I think I bummed my interview today.... I had a panel interview today and had about 10 questions....Come to think of it, the questions were easy and it's something I deal with at work...but I got brain fart, big time! My tounge tied! Why can't they just do a clinical type (hands on ) type interview instead of verbal....Gessssssshhhhhhh. so embarrassing..made me question my competency after.....Oh well, at least I still have my full time job! So much for working for the :uhoh21:State!

with the cost of living in cali i am not shocked about the high salary for rns in corrections...the average home in a nice neighborhood costs upwards of 700,000.

my god!!! where in the hell did you get those fgures?!?! you might wanna check your sources on that... or better yet... read more.

i'm seeing this comment a lot. no wonder you california nurses make so much money ... you have to pay $700-800k for a shack!!!!

i guess this is how people make themselves feel better about not making california nursing salaries ... they go on and on about the cost of living. like all of us california nurses are going broke, or something.

quite the contrary. :rolleyes:

first of all, the average price for a calfiornia home statewide ... right now ... is $430,000. that's down from $465,000 a year ago. and prices continue to fall and will probably do so for at least two more years. the average price will probably get down to $300-$350k at some point.

so, obviously, $700,000 is not the average price for a house in california. some people pay that much, but most people pay a lot less.

secondly ... many state prisons are not located in the expensive areas of the state. they're actually located in the cheaper areas where housing is much more affordable. that's where you can really make bank.

in my area, for example, two new state prisons are planned where you can pick up a brand new house for $200 to $250k.

at $43 an hour, which goes up to $48 an hour in three years ... that's a pretty good deal. no outrageous cost of living where i live.

i only paid $150k for my house but, if people insist on believing i'm paying a lot more ... i guess there's nothing i can do to change their minds.

in the meantime, i'll just pay my tiny mortgage and keep making bank. i do love those fat pay checks.


yup!!! you are right on that! you got a bargain on that house. good for you! guess i paid more than what you got. got a 4 bed/2bath for 355k with a community pool, park/playground for kids and just across the school where my daughter is enrolled. so if youre paying 700k for your house... it better be on top of a hill overlooking the ocean with a big pool at the back. coz if thats not what your house is... you are being screwed:lol2::chuckle

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