Yale GEPN Fall 2011

U.S.A. Connecticut


i thought i'd start a thread for those of us applying to yale for the fall of 2011 :-)

Yes, totally worth a try!!! My understanding is that if you have a masters in a science field, it was very likely you'd get a waiver. But if you had a Masters in Fine Arts, then they would likely not give you the waiver. But for those of us that had masters in a social science, they would definitely consider because they know that many programs require quantitative analytical skills which is what they want to see.

I think Sandra Esposito in the Admissions office can help you.

Good luck!

Thanks...my M.A. is in Organizational/Industrial Psych...I'm scheduled to take the GRE the last week of Oct (thank god for the 31 Oct deadline!)....so I guess I will wait and see!

What do you want to specialize in? Where else are you applying? I'm going for Adult/Gerontological...ideally I'd like to work with the VA or Alzheimers patients.

If you had to take quantitative classes (which it sounds like you did), I would think that you would be considered for a waiver. If you are done with your essay and can deliver your transcripts and a copy of your thesis to them, I would think that they would be able to consider it still. I turned in everything but my LOR's on the 30th and they said they'd give me an answer on my waiver in about 1 week so that I would still have time to take the GRE by the 30th if I needed to. So we'll see.

I'm going for the Peds specialty. I also applied to UCSF--- my second time applying there. I'm actually in CA, so although I will be ecstatic if I get accepted to Yale, I'm really not excited about moving cross country. In any case, I figure I'm not going to worry about that now... I need to get accepted 1st! These programs are so competitive so I'm not getting my hopes up too high. I'm facing the same issue of the CC's being just as competitive to get in. There is not only a waiting list, but once you get into the pool, you still have a lottery to compete in! Geesh. I'm no spring chicken so I'm looking at all options at this point.

I don't want to monopolize this message board...but since no one else is responding...do you live in San fran? My husband and I lived there from 2004 - 2006 ...LOVED IT! What a great city!

Yes, I'm here in SF, which I love too. I just accepted you as a friend and wrote you directly so we could take this conversation off-line for others who may not be interested.

Allie-I wish I figured this out sooner myself because I could've saved alot of time as well; that's life sometimes though!

I thought of applying to UCSF but it's soo far. I may just do it after reading your posts, sounds like a nice place to live. I'm also applying to Columbia. I guess we're all feeling the same way then! It's good to know I'm not alone..Thanks for all the help ladies!

Finally just submitted my application...waiting for my last recommendation letter to come in and now it's time to WAIT! I felt nervous as soon as I pushed send...and I still have to take the GRE next week...grrrr

Hi all, out of curiousity.... What specialties did you all apply for? What are your backgrounds in? Where is everyone from? Did I see that some of you are also from CT?

Allie, You're not the only one taking the GRE next week. I'll be there on Thursday. Nothing like waiting until the last minute, huh?

I am still waiting on my last reference letter. I have 3 letters now, but 1 of those is from my "back-up" reference. Also, I hate to admit this, but (cough, cough) my essay is barely started (cough). I know I should feel quite stressed about this last matter, but I'm one of those sit-down-and-don't-get-up-until-it's-finished type of people. I can't focus on anything else once I'm in the writing process, so the essay is going to be my weekend project.... (sigh)

Has everyone else finished everything? Am I the only one waiting until the last minute? On second thought, please don't tell me if that is the case.


Your definitely not alone in the procrastination category!! I'm submitting my application online tomorrow b/c I only have weekends to study & prep..I work full time & I'm taking classes..

I'm taking the GRE next Sat-yes 10/30!! I have such horrible test anxiety!! I've been studying for 3 months & I'll be lucky if I can get 500 on the math!! I suck @ testing!! Good Luck with your essay progress..i'm just editing & that's it..still waiting on my last letter of ref though..not in the mail today??? good thing i live in CT & can drive there if necessary to drop off the packet!!


Don't worry about driving to YSN to get your app packet in by 11/1. It only has to be postmarked by 11/1, not received. I have not studied for the GRE one minute. I just don't have time. (I'm in my first semester of the CT Comm Coll program now, but hopefully I'll be transferring next fall!). I usually do pretty well on those type of general knowledge/ability tests though, so I'm not too worried about the GRE (perhaps I should be?! lol). What specialty are you applying to, if you don't mind me asking? I'm goinf for FNP. I know that's one of the more popular ones, so we'll see how competitive it really is...

Angie- Not that you'd take a random stranger's word for it anyway, but I realized I made a mistake in saying that the hard copy documents had to be postmarked by November 1st. They do, in fact have to be recieved by November 1st.

Not that it matters anyway, but I know I saw that the package had to be postmarked by the 1st, I wonder where that was...?

Ok, now I'm blowing up this message board... but I have a question for everyone... I haven't worked in more than 3 years, but I have been in school full-time. I called the admissions office to ask if all 3 of my letters could be academic and the woman I spoke with said yes, that's absolutely fine. BUT I just noticed the big, bold warning on the application checklist that says:

"Out of school for 2 years or less, please submit two academic references and one professional reference.

Applications that do not follow these guidelines will not be considered "complete" and will not be reviewed the Admissions Committee."

Now I'm freaking out. Does anyone else have all academic letters? Or was anyone else told that all academic letters are fine?

Ugh. I hate this stress.....

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