Anyone here going to Norwalk Community College??

U.S.A. Connecticut



Just want to say hi!

Hi everyone!!(thanks to all of you that responded back to my insane post jan 30th) ahhaha.. luckily I figured everything out ( I think) I recently got into BHSON and I am still waiting on NCC. I have a question for any of you that are currently attending NCC.. I should probably know this but I'm sort of confused.... I am lookin at the program plan, that shows you the classes you are suppose to take per semester.. When you are doing clinicals, are the clinicals included in your nursing classes.. For example, if I'm taking 12 credits a semester, do I take clinicals on top of that? or is it included in the nursing classes.. I'm not sure if im explaining this correctly at all, haha but if you have any idea what I'm saying please let me know.. otherwise I'll try to think of way to rephrase it(I've been working 12 hours, im not thinking clearly at the moment) thanks again

How is the NCC program?

Would you recommend it?

I got accepted to BHSN and waiting to hear from NCC.

I am really sorry I never responded to you questions, I am never on here.. ever.. I would have been happy to answer any of your questions had I realized you posted on here. If you still have any questions please prviate message me and I will try to check it more than every 6 months ;)

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