Passed CNA Exams Today!

Nursing Students CNA/MA


Hi all! I just wanted to let everyone know that I took and passed my CNA exams today! I had to do wash hands of course, rom on knee and ankle, radial pulse, ambulate and make an occupied bed. I ran out of time making the bed and didn't get the top sheet on right, pillowcase changed or the end of the skill done but I still passed! My advice to anyone taking the exams is to study a week and night before so the skills are fresh in your head and then relax and remember the safety and privacy issues but don't focus too much on making it perfect or you'll run out of time like I did. Thankfully the longest skill was last and I had enough steps done and done right in order for my score to be a passing grade. ^_^

Well, I really believe that the skill test isn't as objective as it's supposed to be because I hear stories all the time of examiners bending the rules to help candidates pass or failing them over something so tiny if they are in a bad mood. For example when my sister tested score years ago she failed twice and the third time her examiner which was the same person as the first two times whispered that she was just going to pass her so she wouldn't have to see her back. My own examiner let my partner help me get the gait belt on right and she passed both of us even though there were things we forget or didn't have time to finish. I took the test at the Columbia Basin College in Richard, Wa and our examiner was an older lady named Linda. She was very nice and everyone testing under her passed. She took us by twos into a big room filled with hospital beds along the walls with curtains seperating each like in an ER, etc, and there was a long table in the center of the room with all the supplies lined up and two sinks on each side of the room. She walked us around and showed us everything, how the beds worked, etc. For my skills I had to take a radial pulse, range of motion on one knee and ankle, ambulate with gait belt and make an occupied bed. For the make an occupied bed, I only needed to change bottom, top and pillowcase. She took the pad from me and put it back telling me they don't require a protective pad on when you do bed making which wasn't how I was taught but Oh Well, Lol. There was a binder on the counter next to the bed we were working with that had all the skills in random orders of five and we were told to turn to a certain page which listed our skills and we were allowed to look at them as we worked to make sure we knew what skill we did next. It didn't list the steps but like for the bed it listed that we needed to change bottom, top and pillowcase, etc. We had 25 minutes to do all the skills. I ran out of time doing the bed making skill so I didn't get the top sheet situated right or the pillowcase changed or the bed lowered, call light given, curtains pulled open or hands washed, etc and my partner forgot to check if I was wearing shoes or non skid footwear when she took me to the scale and I didn't check wristband at all and yet we both still passed. I think how they do it is they add up the points you got doing all the skills and you have to get so many to pass or fail, so you can miss a bunch of little stuff on a long skill but not on a short one, if that makes sense. Good luck to you and I hope this helps a little!

Thanks alot! And yes that's true. When we did check offs while I was enrolled in the class the instructor still passed us even if we didn't finish or made little mistakes. She just told us how to improve our skills for next time. The only thing I really forgot how to do is make the bed the correct way. Lol.

I'm ready to test-BUT I'm not sure if I've waited too late :( I know there's a certain time limit I have to get certified after completing the class. It's either one or two years. If its one year I'm gonna be soo mad cause my year just passed in May :/ If I've waited too late I'll have to take the class all over again & I know I wont be able to -_- I'm not sure if I've passed my time limit or not but I will be contacting the college Monday to find out. I hope not. I'm excited about getting it out of the way. If I can be, I'll be at the next testing date they have available. Lol

Thanks again!!

Congrats on passing your test. I had to take the class twice. I failed at clinical the first time. I'm from NY and we have to do 175 hours of combined class and clinical. I passed the second time with flying colors. I was the first one done with my state test and first done to finish my skills test. I got ambulation. Empty a drainage bag and hand/nail care. I don't know how your state is since every state is different. But I highly recommend taking a cpr/bls class right away. It makes you way more desirable. It took me 2 months for me to even get called for an interview after I graduated. They only called me in because I told them I was getting my cpr. I'm now going for a second interview at a hospital. It's an overnight shift full time. Three 12 hour shifts plus weekends every 3 weeks. The pay is $16.77 an hour. And the benefits are great. After a year they'll pay for my college all that way up towards a bachelor's degree. The testing is over but now the real burden, job hunting, beggings

I'm ready to test-BUT I'm not sure if I've waited too late :( I know there's a certain time limit I have to get certified after completing the class. It's either one or two years.

In California, we were told we have 2 years after completing the class to take the certification test. We were also told you can get a "green book" or "blue book" that has all of the testable skills from your BON. I bet doing a Google search on your state's CNA test will yield the results you're looking for. They may even have it online or you might be able to pick up a copy from your local library or testing center. These books are very handy because they give you step-by-step requirements for each skill in order to pass and items in bold are guaranteed fail if you forget.


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