How long does it take to get used to third-shift?

Nursing Students CNA/MA


I just started working third-shift as a CNA this week, and I was just wondering about how long it takes to adjust to working third-shift? Does anyone have any suggestions or helpful tips to make this transition a little easier? Thanks! :)

It didn't take me long. Id say it took me about a week or so when I started. If you are naturally inclined to stay up late at night and don't like to get up early in the mornings, you'll be fine.

Couple thing I recommend though: make sure you get your 8 hours no matter what, keep your room dark, turn off any devices and invest in ear plugs; at work talk to other coworkers, read or do something while not taking care or residents (doing nothing is the best way to be bored out of your mind and consequently fall asleep), have dome candy or coffee or anything that helps you get that little boost when you need it and take a nap on your break.

Also on your days off try to stick as bet as you can to your usual schedule. I've noticed when I take more days off and stray from my schedule I have to get back into the swing of things again.

Good luck! :)

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