Accredited CNA programs in south florida?

Nursing Students CNA/MA


I registered to take thee Cna program at Nurses Unlimited in Miami, Fl. I was doing research for hospitals that were hiring for cna's and I realized that some hospitals ask that you graduate from an accredited school. I don't think Nurses Unlimited is accredited so I'm a little worried. Has anyone had a problem finding a job as a cna that did not go to an accredited school in south florida? I think it's sad that all nursing school in south florida are not accredited.

Accredited Training is training which provides a person with a nationally recognized (or recognized within a state) qualification on completion of the course. It states that the person has completed the course as per the norms set by the state or the country. Thus, the qualification is recognized in across the state or the country. Non Accredited training are not recognized nation wide. It is always advisable that a professional course should be done through accredited institutes because these institutes conduct courses that are recognized and getting a job for such courses wont be difficult.

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