Chamberlain College of Nursing in Atlanta, GA

Nursing Students Chamberlain College


Has anyone attended or is currently attending Chamberlain College of Nursing in Atlanta? If so, how is it? Any info would be greatly appreciated. I am currently attending a technical college and have done all of my pre requisites except for the sciences. My gpa is 3.40. I just found out about this school and I am very interested... thanks.

Me too! I know I sound like a broken record to my hubby

Have you purchased any school supplies yet? I dont know why but I'm itching to do that...trying to wait until orientation.

No I'll probably get the basics this weekend and wait until orientation to see what else I need. I'm not doing lab or clinicals yet, so I don't think I'll need anything special.

I feel brain dead...I don't know what to buy lol

Yes my advisor is pretty wonderful! lol. I sent her that email at 1:49pm and she emailed me back at 1:52pm!!!!! DAAANG!!! lol She said I might be registered already and to check my portal and I just checked and it says I'm not registered yet :(


@Dalencia...maybe we can see each other at orientation!

@akilah & dalencia IM SOOOOO EXCITED TO START!!! I thought I was the only one this excited! Its been a long time comin and I'm finally here!

I am NSO on the 28th at 3 too! Cant wait to meet your guys. Then I can finally put a face with names. lol

I did get registered today finally. Was hoping for better times, but seeings how it was last min for them to call me, not much was left. It all worked out though.

I did find all my 8 books to rent for $182 bucks. I used,, and one from the college bookstore.

Sharieka, glad they will still let you atleast get your classes scheduled. I dont think you are going to be able to take them online though. She did say the only nursing class online was NR222, but I decided to take it in class. Im just afraid I will slake off to much. Need that classroom push. Maybe they will work with you though because you are wanting to still work.

Akilah, lol I was just getting paper, pens, pencils, paper, notebooks, highlighters, binders, etc. If we can record lectures I'm gonna get a tape recorder too.

Sharieka, keep checking the portal. That's how I found out I was registered.

Jsayers, what classes do you have? That's not a bad price for books. My books were around 250. I'm gonna check out those websites to see if I can get them a little cheaper.

Can't wait to meet all you guys at orientation! I'm sooo excited! And I'm glad I found this site. I would be so lost if I wasn't on here lol.

Jaysayers....yayyyy!!! U got Ur classes! Congrats!

I love this site too!! lol

I am taking NR222 M,W-10-1, NR281 M,W-2-4,and NR101 thursdays 10-12. She recommended me going ahead and taking Patho because its not offered every session. She said if I didnt, it would set me back a semester. I was prepared to take SOCS online.

Thanks akilah! Yes, they called me around 10:30 this morning, and its a good thing because I was going to pay them a visit. lol

I'm glad everyone is getting on we can rest a little easier lol.


Ur list makes sense...I know I'm gonna walk out with the whole damn store lol

Jsayers, I have NR 222 and NR 281 at those times too! I thought I would be taking SOCS too but got Patho instead. I definitely didn't wanna be be a semester behind.

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