Best CNM programs for home birth midwives?

Specialties CNM



Which CNM programs do you think are best for becoming a home birth midwife?

I am working toward becoming a nurse midwife, and have been accepted into some graduate entry programs (accelerated BSN to MSN in midwifery). I'm still waiting to hear back from a few schools, including 2 BSN programs in my area. I ultimately want to practice in an out-of-hospital setting, either in a birthing center or home birth practice. I'm still trying to determine which program would most help me become an excellent out-of-hospital midwife.

I've been accepted to OHSU, Columbia, and Vanderbilt. I'm waiting to hear back from UIC. So far, it's my understanding that OHSU and Vanderbilt offer some clinical experience out of the hospital, and that UIC and Columbia do not. To those who have attended or are attending any of these schools, what has your experience been? What strengths or weaknesses do you see in your programs?

I've also considered doing a traditional BSN (rather than the accelerated BSN to MSN), and then applying to Frontier. Everything I've heard about Frontier sounds great, especially the opportunity to do clinicals in so many settings. The major reason I hesitate to go there, though, is that it's a distance program. I am in a position to move to a new city for school, and would rather be in the "traditional" school environment at this point.

I would really appreciate any feedback. Thanks so much!

" I live in IL and as far as i know - it is illegal for homebirths to take place in the state with ANY kind of provider (CNM, CPM, etc.) - so the likelihood of you actually could find ANYONE willing to be public at all about attending home births is really non-existent."

While I know this thread is old.... I want to post something to clarify a MAJOR misconception here, in case someone else comes along to read this. Homebirth is NOT illegal in Illinois!!!!! It is perfectly legal for a CNM to attend a homebirth as long as she is backed by a licensed and practicing physician who will take over care in the event of a transfer of care. I have had two babies at home in Illinois, legally. And while Illinois is more strict, it is certainly not illegal for a CNM to attend homebirth as long as she has the backing physician.

Stickler here... It's not illegal to give birth at home anywhere in the US. The practitioner is the one who finds herself shackled by the law depending on the state. Further, CNMs do attend home births legally in Illinois-- but with collaborative agreements with physicians. A whole 'nother shackle.

Hi Apgar, nice to see you again :)

Yes, living in IL and having had a few of these myself, it certainly is important to point out that you can birth your baby wherever you want...that said, as a future IL midwife, I'm not touching homebirth with a 10 foot pole. :twocents:

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