Need help choosing topic for research class

Specialties CCU


Hi, I am a critical care nurse and I'm in school, taking a course in nursing research. I need a topic that deals with my area (CCU) and I want an interesting topic. I was thinking about doing something on the effect of sedation during mechanical ventilation but I'm not sure. Can someone guide me? HELP!! :uhoh3:

You might consider weaning pts while using sedation during weaning.

(Unless you already have a standard weaning protocol that is working well...)

Our weaning parameters are not uniform and some MDs think you can not be sedated while being weaned. You can see if there is a + correlation between increased length of time to (successful) wean with concurrent sedation. You can find a definition of successful weaning in plenty of journals and if you use a MAAS score, you can have pts that are on comparable levels of sedation. Age, comorbidities, hx of COPD, etc are all other variables you will need to look at. (Does it also take longer to wean pts that are older? You can also break their ages into groups (

You might also consider repeating a published study that was only done at only 1 site or had equivocal results. A lot of research studies conclude that further study is needed...Your lit search will help once you pick a vent related topic.

ARDS is another big research topic (prone positioning, etc).

You can also search the National Institutes of Nursing Research:

Good luck!!

Hi, I am a critical care nurse and I'm in school, taking a course in nursing research. I need a topic that deals with my area (CCU) and I want an interesting topic. I was thinking about doing something on the effect of sedation during mechanical ventilation but I'm not sure. Can someone guide me? HELP!! :uhoh3:

My topic was family visitiation policies, liberal vs restricted

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