syndrome tachycardia bradycardia

Specialties Cardiac


Hi everyone,

I am curious if any of you have seen the Syndrome Tachycardia Bradycardia in young patients? When I say young I mean around their 40's. If you have, was there a cause or was it idiopathic?



I actually have. We had a woman who was brought up from the Er. Her diagnosis was bradycardia. She dropped to 33 and was symptomatic. We pushed atropine and she jumped to 155 and was symptomatic. She kept jumping to one extreme to another and had to have external pacer until was stable enough for internal pacer. She was 35. She had rheumatic fever in the past and valvular disorder.

Thanks for the reply. It seems in this case as well that it involves mitral valve prolapse with a thickening of one of the mitral valve cusp even though the doc's say that that shouldn't cause the syndrome....

thanks a bunch....anyone else with knowledge of this kind of syndrome that ususally effects the elderly....

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