September 2013 Trent Compressed

World Canada CA Programs


Hi all, has anyone applied to the Trent Compressed BScN program for 2013 fall? Any news yet? I"m anxiously awaiting.

Hey cli074,

I can't find the group on Facebook. Is the name spelled correctly and the group privacy settings correct (i.e. set to "open" or "closed")? I'd love to connect with my future classmates!


Anyone hear anything from Trent lately? Either an acceptance, rejection or alternate offer? I still haven't heard anything...

Hey guys I just graduated from Trent so I figured if any of you have any questions about anything feel free to ask :) Its an amazing program and I have talked with a lot of people from other schools in the GTA and Trent is one of the programs with the most clinical hours and the most choices for student in terms of placements. Good Luck!

Hi Megan005,

Did you have a placement in the first semester? How did you find the courseload in the program? I finally heard from Trent. SO excited!

Prospects, I didn't have a placement in the first semester but I did LTC in the second. I found first year to be a lot of common sense things and talking about feelings and stuff. At the time I didn't understand how it was going to be any use to me but now working in a Toronto hospital with other new grads I realize it really helps knowing what you're good at and what you need help with and how to ask for help. Trent really forces you to be in control of your own learning.

Course load wise I found Acute care and Patho in 3rd year to be the most difficult. They give you a ton of reading to do every week but honestly focus on what is most important., and go to office hours of profs if you're having any trouble they are really awesome.

@megan005 sorry for the late reply, I was really interested in how many courses you took in the first year because I am getting a lot of transfer credits and whether I would be able to pick up maybe part-time work or something along those lines at least for the first year

anyone know the cutoff last year?

bump for the sake of acceptance

Hi megan005, I have been accepted at Trent and deciding between Humber and Trent? Do you know anything about the Humber program?

Hi Megan, I am applying to Trent for the 2015 start condensed program. I have not heard anything negative about Trent, but I haven't heard anything else either. I was hoping you could maybe give some pros and cons of the program, and if you felt well prepared for a job coming out of school?


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