Policy on trauma treatment?

Specialties Camp


Specializes in pediatric, neonatal, ER/trauma, camp.

Y'all are probably getting tired of my policy questions but I've got to get this done!

Do you have a policy on prehospital trauma?



Specializes in Case Managemnt, Utilization Review.

We go by American Heart Association Standards for first aid training and monitor status, vitals,not move the patient and call 911, I could stop bleeding but not do much else, since I have no access to oxygen or other monitoring equiptment . How far is EMS away from camp, Angie? There are different certifications if a camp is greater than 1 hour from a hospital, it is prehospital wilderness training. Also I developed an emergency reponse policy that if 911 is called for a medical emergency,who does the calling,911 /parent , who goes in the ambulance, what is the provision for that person that goes from the camp to get back, we designated a a cell phone for that purpose , the nurses original medical record, with signature for consent to treatment, is taken if copying is unavailable, parent must meet camper at the hospital and staff is responsible for camper until relieved by other camp staff or the parent. The person that finds the camper/staff first does an incident report and the nurse does a separate one. Define who is in charge at the scene and gives the directions, the nurse (for camp directors that think they know it all) if there are 2 entrances, I direct someone to each of the entrances in order to direct the ems crew to the physical location of the incident. This is for resident camp, right? If it is night, the people at the road must have flashlights to direct EMS to the entrance, as most camps are in a dark location. This usually, involved driving to the entrance at my camp. Since our supplies were so limited, 911 stuff included, heat exhaustion, broken limbs, snake bites, anaphylaxsis allergy to food/ spiders/ snake bites. unconciousness r/t trauma.

Specializes in pediatric, neonatal, ER/trauma, camp.

Thanks but I was thinking more in terms of actual nursing care of the trauma patient. I wrote up a policy and it was completely based on the Trauma Nursing Core Course. It's a very simplistic list of how to treat a trauma patient prior to 911 arrival.

However, I thought I was done and realized that I probably do need to write a hospital transfer protocol.


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