Need Help Landing My 1st Hospital Job

U.S.A. California


Hello everyone,

I have 3 years skilled nursing facility experience (Charge Nurse & Director of Staff Development) and I want to land a hospital job but I find it hard to get a job at hospitals. They tell me that I need acute care experience before they hire me but how can I get acute care experience if no hospital hires me? I live in Salinas, California. Can anyone give me an advice? Thank you!

Id work on networking and connecting with people. Word of mouth will do far more at this point where as you don't have control of your experience at this time. With your roles you should know plenty of people and wiggle your name around. Plus snf experience is more then enough for acute med surg positions. What is your level of education?

I have a BSN. I am volunteering at a hospital right now and I hope to get a job there!

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