CSUCI Nursing for Fall 2013 admission?

U.S.A. California


I know it's not application time yet, but I was wondering if anyone applying to CSU Channel Islands was on these forums... What are your stats?

Good luck to you all! :)

I am :)

stats ahhhh still a work in progress right now since i'm retaking the teas and i have 2 classes to kick booty in.

but atleast I know i'm not alone on the forum

I am still trying to get in my pre-reqs and it is a slow and tedious process but my aim is to go to Channel Islands as soon as I can. I am hoping to garner as many 'points" as possible and like to keep track of others too. I am working on spanish to get the 6 points there. Does anyone know their 'points' at this time? I am probably 1.5 years away since I need Chem, Physiology and microbiology. These need to be taken in sequence and I am having a hard time getting in the classes I need. I took EMT this semester since I missed the chance to get into chem this semester. I do have an AA and AS but get no 'points' for those. This is my prefered school but at this point once I have all my classes will apply EVERYWHERE! What is everyone elses plans and strategies?

(oh and I volunteer at St. Johns in Oxnard too-more points)

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