Topics About 'Empathy'.

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Found 11 results

  1. "Oh, that hurts so much!" My grandma's eyes are screwed shut and her breath is coming short and quick. I am trying to peel back the tape holding the bloody gauze to her leg. The nurse that comes to her house twice a day to check on her and change the...
  2. This precious time gave the patient the ability to share the story, thus allowing the nurse to show emotions and be empathetic towards the patient. Later, this small moment of time, resulted in a small return favor that showed a great appreciation fo...
  3. General E. Speaking, RN

    The Patient Nurse

    I had an elective orthopedic procedure requiring a three day stay. "Elective" is a bit of a stretch- a joke actually. I guess there are some superhuman people who could walk around without any cartilage on the lateral side of their knee, but I am not...
  4. The Nurse Empath

    I wonder if every nurse feels as much like a sponge as I do. Does every nurse get random flashbacks of that patient two years ago whose hand you held as he took his last breath? Or of how you watched the love of his life, the stoic and statuesque wom...
  5. The Sweet Old Man in Room 724...

    One can forever discuss the unmistakable magnificence of mountains or sunsets, or millions of other unforgettable miraculous occurrences. So many moments we take for granted, assuming other such moments will follow with scarcely a thought as to how f...
  6. jeastridge

    The Nurse Optimist

    The Nurse OptimistBeing on the consumer side of nursing is eye-opening. As they wheeled my mother back to the holding area, I walked beside her, ready to take her hearing assistance devices once the staff were done asking her questions and going over...
  7. Hints for Med/Surg Nursing

    My number one tip for med/surg nurses is to connect with your patient, make eye contact and listen to what they have to say. They are someones mother,father, sister, brother, son, daughter etc. Wouldn't you want your family member treated that way ? ...
  8. Hands of Love

    They couldn't safely give care to everyone who needed it because there was one particular lady who was very confused and had an exceptional case of restlessness that evening. She would try to wander continually except for brief 3-5 minute periods whe...
  9. How About... a HUMAN CULTURE

    He and I often discuss that religion and cultural titles are often used interchangeably as descriptions, it has lead to some insightful understandings and meaningful conversations. I often find myself proudly exclaiming these descriptions to people w...
  10. SarahKixRN

    The Art of Empathy

    We all learn in nursing school the concept of having empathy for our patients. It is one of the most widely taught codes of conduct in the nursing profession. It is also one of the most forgotten skills when a nurse is burned out or overworked. Sh...
  11. VivaLasViejas

    The Patients Who Break Your Heart

    Being only human, of course, we sometimes cross the line despite our best efforts...and the nurse whose restless dreams are unpopulated by the ghosts of past patients must surely be a rare bird indeed. I'll never forget: 1 ) The 29-year-old mother of...