Topics About 'Norovirus'.

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Found 2 results

  1. jadelpn

    Noro-virus Blues

    OK, so the old joke "The Postman Always Rings Twice" can be easily converted to "The Noro-virus CAN Ring Twice". And once is enough. And never is better. And it helps when one washes their hands raw, but even then sometimes we end up with the nasty l...
  2. VivaLasViejas

    New Year, Norovirus, and Me

    "I don't care about my new $200 shoes.......BLAAAARGH!" Lord, I hate being sick. Especially THIS kind of sick. It's been four or five days (I've lost count) and I still feel like death warmed over, but I think I may be on the downside of this thing. ...