Topics About 'Nursing Student'.

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Found 7 results

  1. After five years at the bedside working in a Trauma ICU, I look back fondly on my time in nursing school. I recall walking into the Trauma Unit as a practicum student, listening to report on a young...
  2. You can easily find an article, book or tipsheet on how to succeed in nursing school. Most nursing programs offer an "orientation" to the program and dedicate time on the agenda to discuss student...
  3. My First Day at the Neuro ICU

    This is not med/surg. This, of course, means that most of our patients are on vents. They usually assign us only 1-2 patients here, but they are quite acute. But, I also think that my med/surg...
  4. So you're considering applying to a nursing program? Or you just got accepted? Congratulations! Now what? How do you prepare yourself and your family for the major time commitment you are about to...
  5. A Letter to Student Me

    Dear Me, Yes! You will survive this semester. And the next one, and the next one ... It’s okay, you don’t have to have straight As. Don’t let a B discourage you. That B and that C will...
  6. Whether you're a nursing student in A&P, taking the NCLEX for the first (or second) time, or upgrading from LPN to RN, testing is a fact of life. It's where you prove your knowledge base and...
  7. nikkulele77

    A Not-Love Letter for Nursing

    Dear Past Self, You don’t love nursing, and that’s okay. I recall the excitement when you made the decision to pursue nursing. It never occurred to you that you couldn’t do it. Some...