Applying with a 'W'


So I currently have a 4.0 on my pre-reqs, a 156 on the NLN-PAX, experience in healthcare, and a second language. But I just dropped a class because I was taking 5 classes and working full time. The class was an advanced ASL course and I'm taking two others this semester. So, not a nursing pre-req, just something extra I'm trying to do. Is a 'w' a deal breaker?

I would highly doubt it, but I guess it would depend on what school you're attending. I withdrew from one of my pre-req courses because I didn't like the professor and it was never a problem for me.

That's kind of what I'm hoping. This is totally an "extra," and I hope that the fact that I will have good command of a second language at all in an extremely underserved population will get their attention. These classes that I'm taking right now are the same ones that interpreters take, and I love the challenge, but three in one semester is a little much. Even for the 'terps.

Man, I hope not. I have a couple of W's from my undergrad :/

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