Hello Everyone! I am an RN with 10 years experience mostly in the operating room with a holistic/naturopath business on the side. I have recently been moved to do more "direct care/meaningful" nursing (hopefully not taken the wrong way) and I have a true passion to work with children. I see that there is always a great need for school nurses and was wondering if any current school nurses could comment on how they feel about their careers, what are your biggest challenges, and if you think I will be able to handle/be successful in this position given my nursing background. I am a quick learner and self motivated to do so, but I'm keenly aware it will be me and only me as the medical professional in the school and will most likely get thrown in pretty quickly. Any thoughts, comments, insights greatly appreciated!!! I originally asked this question for NYC specifically because sometimes this city comes with its own set of issues but any school nurses please respond ?